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Spiritual Impact Ministries Inc. was founded in 1997 by Dr. William L. Atchison Bishop of Harvest Temple Ministries Inc. where he has been Sr. Pastor/Bishop for going on 25 years. Spiritual Impact Ministries Inc. is a charitable organization from the standpoint that no person receives personal salary or income from said ministry. Any donations sent to us will go 100% to wherever you request it to go. Spiritual Impact Ministries Inc. The cost of travel and other expenditures are paid for entirely by donations made by the founder out of his own personal funds and income. For 25 years Dr. Atchison has been traveling the world to as many as 89 countries thus far ministering mainly to ministers and their constituents. Dr. Atchison has written over 60 series on doctrine, leadership, bible subjects and personal development. Several of his books are being used in many different countries. Spiritual Impact Ministries Inc. sponsors an orphanage in Tenali, Andra Prudesh, South India.

Dr. Atchison has a love and special heart for Pastors, Missionaries and Ministerial Organizations. He has held Shepherd Camps and conferences all over the world and loves to help ministers excel to a higher level of experience and understanding of God and His Word. Dr. Atchison has been able to help entire organizations rise to a new level in God. He has no personal agenda but to help! Coming from 45 years of ministry, a powerful background of bible knowledge and understanding, he teaches entire organizations.
Dr. Atchison believes that the only safe approach to God and His word is to go back, study, search out, practice, and live the beliefs of the original Apostles. Human dogma and theology has clouded the atmosphere of the church world and held it in the darkness of tainted theology and confusion. recently new revelation has propelled his ministry to new heights in understanding. One of the greatest revelations was seen after God spoke to his heart and told him that all the answers you seek are found in Genesis! From this seed thought a new world of understanding has been found. One cannot understand the cure until you understand the cause, and what it did to the human race! Understanding the true purpose of the new birth and the results intended to bring to a person is powerful! The new birth is terribly misunderstood and distorted. The new birth is a restorative act intended to reverse the cause and be the cure! Though it involves spiritually great emotion and joy, the purpose involves steps that not only restore, but take a person to a new level of privilege and position in God. It also sets the individual up to become a vessel of honor not only in this era, but in the two dimensions to come.
Would you take part in saving a child’s life? 
In India the life of a child has little value to it’s society. India has the largest body part business in the world. It is said that a child will last little more than five days on the street! The child will in most cases be taken and chopped up into body parts for sale or sold into slavery or prostitution. Please consider helping not only fund a child and this orphanage, but build additional orphanages! Not only do we feed and clothe them, but train them up to be fervent in the Lord and help them become tomorrows leaders. Look at our videos and you will see the vibrancy and fervor for the Lord they have! Spiritual Impact Ministries Inc. is under no particular organization, but intends to serve God only. Spiritual Impact Ministries Inc. does however Spiritually cover ministries such as Zion faith Ministries and other groups around the world. This happens only when they ask us to watch over them as spiritual guides.
Pleas join us in prayer and support to help the hurting and hungry of our world both spiritually and naturally.
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